Since 1955, the Sound Beach Volunteer Fire Department Band has been a summer tradition in Greenwich, providing marching music for members of the Sound Beach Volunteer Fire Department at area Firemen’s parades in Fairfield and Westchester Counties, and performing evening concerts at public parks all over town. The band is now formally called the Sound Beach Community Band (SBC Band).
As in the past, the new SBC Band also entertains throughout the year at other community events and venues such as the United Way Septemberfest and the Old Greenwich Elementary School Pumpkin Patch in October. And of course, the band is always on hand to play when Santa returns to the SBVFD firehouse every year, in his vintage fire truck filled with toys for all good children!
Also affectionately known as the town’s own “Marching, Concert and High-Society Band,” the band’s repertoire includes pops and some classical pieces, as well as the more traditional and favorite marches.
To learn more about the SBC Band or to join, please visit www.soundbeachband.org.